<aside> 💡 Creating mods require C# knowledge and Unity experience. This tutorial is not meant to teach you that. You can find plenty tutorials online, here’s the official microsoft one : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/tour-of-csharp/tutorials/ You can also look up at Unity basic tutorial : https://unity.com/learn/get-started
To create mods, we use a modding framework, called BepInEx. Cult of the Lamb modding is in C#.
On this tutorial I will use Visual Studio, but you are free to use any IDE you’d like.
You can have more detailed informations at any moment by looking at the official docs of BepInEx and Harmony :
Please follow the tutorial to install mods on Cult of the Lambs here : https://pebloop.notion.site/How-to-install-a-mod-aec545cc219e48e29b3d3587ca1cf83e
To debug your mods, you can use the console of the game, but you’ll need to enable it first.